
Project contains skeleton that allows to create various types of tests for HTTP(s) API using godog that implements cucumber/gherkin syntax with help of gdutils lib.

Properly coded solution and tests proving it are equally important if we aim for reliable code, that is maintanable, easy to understand and modify.

One of mandatory tasks to achieve it, is to find proper tool, which will be used to write tests.

Godog is one of possibilities. It is implementation of gherkin syntax in GoLang. Tests following gherkin syntax are easy to read for anyone, because they are like common, well known sentences.

If developer finds it useful, first task is to read about cucumber/gherkin syntax and godog documentation to understand basic contepts. Next, framework needs to be bootstraped and developed - for example to test HTTP API. This usually takes time and in the reality, it is continuous - never ending process.

And that is why this project exists. It defines folder structure, bootstrap basic components of framework, gives for free over 40 well documented steps for testing HTTP(s) API over JSON/XML/YAML or HTML. On top of that, framework is developed with debugging in mind, to help anyone write reliable tests. Also repository contain binary with example API server and tests written for it (and for other publicly available APIs).

Example test that can be written with following project without any need for development:

Feature: Adding new user
  Web server binary and it's documentation can be found in assets/test_server/ dir.
  Server contains following endpoints:
  - GET     /alive                  - healthcheck
  - POST    /users                  - creates new user
  - GET     /users                  - retrieve all users
  - GET     /users/{user_id}        - retrieve user by user_id
  - PUT     /users/{user_id}        - replace user by user_id
  - DELETE  /users/{user_id}        - delete user by user_id
  - POST    /users/{user_id}/avatar - add avatar for user of user_id

  This section runs before every Scenario. Its main purpose is to generate random user data
  and save it under provided key in scenario cache.

    Given I generate a random word having from "5" to "10" of "ASCII" characters and save it as "RANDOM_FIRST_NAME"
    Given I generate a random word having from "3" to "7" of "UNICODE" characters and save it as "RANDOM_LAST_NAME"
    Given I generate a random sentence having from "3" to "4" of "english" words and save it as "RANDOM_DESCRIPTION"
    Given I generate a random "int" in the range from "18" to "20" and save it as "RANDOM_AGE"
    Given I generate current time and travel "backward" "240h" in time and save it as "MEET_DATE"
    Given I save "application/json" as "CONTENT_TYPE_JSON"

  Scenario: Successfully create user v1
  As application user
  I would like to create new account

    # We send HTTP(s) request using pre-generated data to create new user.
    # Accessing saved data from scenario cache is done through template syntax from text/template package.
    # Docstring may be in YAML or JSON format and should have "body" and "headers" keys.
    When I send "POST" request to "{{.MY_APP_URL}}/users?format=json" with body and headers:
        "body": {
            "firstName": "{{.RANDOM_FIRST_NAME}}",
            "lastName": "doe-{{.RANDOM_LAST_NAME}}",
            "age": {{.RANDOM_AGE}},
            "description": "{{.RANDOM_DESCRIPTION}}",
            "friendSince": "{{.MEET_DATE.Format `2006-01-02T15:04:05Z`}}"
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "{{.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}}"
    Then the response status code should not be 200
    But the response status code should be 201
    And the response should not have header "Set-Cookie"
    But the response should have header "Content-Length"
    And the response should have header "Content-Type" of value "{{.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}}; charset=UTF-8"
    And the response body should not have format "plain text"
    But the response body should have format "JSON"
    And time between last request and response should be less than or equal to "2s"

    # uncommenting next line will print data to console
#    Given I print last response body
#    Given I print cache data

    # This waiting is unnecessary, just added for demonstration
    And I wait "2ms"

    # We validate response body with schema from assets/test_server/doc/schema/user/response/user.json
    # step argument may be: relative|full OS path, URL or raw schema definition
    # relativity is obtained through env variable GODOG_JSON_SCHEMA_DIR
    And the response body should be valid according to schema "user/response/user.json"
    And the response body should be valid according to schema "{{.CWD}}/assets/test_server/doc/schema/user/response/user.json"
    And the response body should be valid according to schema ""
    And the response body should be valid according to schema:
        "title": "create user",
        "description": "Valid response from create user endpoint",
        "type": "object"
    # also nodes may be validated against schema
    And the "JSON" node "firstName" should be valid according to schema:
        "title": "first name",
        "type": "string"
    # querying JSON nodes in any step may be done using three different json-path engines
    # tidwall/gjson or oliveagle/jsonpath or antchfx/jsonquery
    And the "JSON" node "firstName" should be "string" of value "{{.RANDOM_FIRST_NAME}}"
    And the "JSON" node "$.lastName" should be "string" of value "doe-{{.RANDOM_LAST_NAME}}"
    And the "JSON" node "//lastName" should be "string" of value "doe-{{.RANDOM_LAST_NAME}}"

    # you can look for substrings
    And the "JSON" node "$.lastName" should not contain sub string "smith"
    But the "JSON" node "lastName" should contain sub string "doe"

    # this step uses regExp acceptable by standard go package "regExp"
    And the "JSON" node "lastName" should not match regExp "smith-.*"
    But the "JSON" node "//lastName" should match regExp "doe-.*"

    # assertion may be based on one of JSON data types: array, boolean, null, number, object
    And the "JSON" node "age" should not be "string"
    But the "JSON" node "$.age" should be "number"
    And the "JSON" node "$.age" should be "number" and contain one of values "18, 19, 20"

    # assertion may be based on one of Go-like data types: bool, float, int, map, slice, string
    But the "JSON" node "$.age" should be "int"
    And the "JSON" node "age" should be "int" of value "{{.RANDOM_AGE}}"
    And the "JSON" node "description" should be "string" of value "{{.RANDOM_DESCRIPTION}}"

    # date can be formatted according to one of available formats from standard go package "time"
    And the "JSON" node "friendSince" should be "string" of value "{{.MEET_DATE.Format `2006-01-02T15:04:05Z`}}"