HTTP response body nodes
HTTP response body nodes.
On this page
Following steps allows to query nodes. Querying nodes is handled by PathFinders utility service. Default setup allows to use following JSON/XML/YAML/HTML path engines:
the “(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)” response should (not )?have node “([^”]*)"
This step checks whether last HTTP(s) response body does have/doesn’t have given JSON/YAML/XML/HTML node.
And the "JSON" response should have node "data.0.firstName"
But the "JSON" response should not have node "$.data[0].firstName"
And the "YAML" response should have node "$.data[0].firstName"
And the "XML" response should have node "//data[0]//firstName"
And the "HTML" response should have node "//head//title"
Last argument accepts template values.
the “(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)” response should have nodes “([^”]*)"
This step checks whether last HTTP(s) response body has given JSON/YAML/XML/HTML nodes.
Argument should contain list of expressions-strings pointing at JSON/YAML/XML/HTML nodes, acceptable by APIContext’s PathFinders utility service, separated by comma. Last argument may also contain template values.
And the "JSON" response should have nodes "$.data[0].firstName, data.0.lastName, data.1.age"
And the "JSON" response should have nodes "id"
And the "YAML" response should have nodes "$.users[{{.USER1_ID}}], $.users[{{.USER2_ID}}]"
And the "XML" response should have nodes "//id"
And the "HTML" response should have nodes "//i[1],//i[2]"
the “(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)” node “([^”])" should be “(bool|boolean|float|int|integer|number|scalar|string)” of value “([^”])"
This step allows to check last HTTP(s) response JSON/YAML/XML/HTML node against given value.
First argument the "(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON/XML/YAML/HTML-path engine associated with previously selected data format.
Argument accepts template values.
Third argument be "(bool|boolean|float|int|integer|number|scalar|string)" of
should be one of available data types that you expect.
Last argument value "([^"]*)"
should be value of given node. Argument accepts template values.
And the "JSON" node "firstName" should be "string" of value "{{.RANDOM_FIRST_NAME}}"
And the "YAML" node "$.lastName" should be "scalar" of value "{{.RANDOM_LAST_NAME}}"
And the "JSON" node "{{.AGE_KEY}}" should be "int" of value "{{.RANDOM_AGE}}"
And the "JSON" node "$.age" should be "number" of value "18"
And the "XML" node "//age" should be "int" of value "18"
And the "HTML" node "//head//title" should be "string" of value "my page title"
the “(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)” node “([^”])" should be “(bool|boolean|float|int|integer|number|scalar|string)” and contain one of values “([^”])"
This step allows to check last HTTP(s) response JSON/YAML/XML/HTML
node against given set of values.
First argument the "(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON/XML/YAML/HTML-path engine associated with previously selected data format.
Argument accepts template values.
Third argument be "(bool|boolean|float|int|integer|number|scalar|string)" of
should be one of available data types that you expect.
Last argument "([^"]*)"
should be string containing values separated by comma (,).
And the "JSON" node "$.age" should be "number" and contain one of values "18, 19, 20"
the “(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)” node “([^”])" should (not )?contain sub string “([^”])
This step allows to check whether string node value contains/ does not contain provided substring.
First argument the "(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON/XML/YAML/HTML-path engine associated with previously selected data format.
Argument accepts template values.
Last argument sub string "([^"]*)
should be any substring to check against.
And the "JSON" node "$.lastName" should not contain sub string "smith"
But the "JSON" node "$.lastName" should contain sub string "doe"
And the "HTML" node "//head//title" should contain sub string "App"
the “(JSON|YAML|XML)” node “([^”]*)" should (not )?be slice of length “(\d+)”
This step allows to check whether given last HTTP(s) response body JSON/YAML/XML node is/is not slice of given length.
First argument the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON/XML/YAML/HTML-path engine associated with previously selected data format.
Argument accepts template values.
Third argument of length "(\d+)"
should be non-negative integer.
And the "JSON" node "users" should be slice of length "3"
And the "YAML" node "$.users" should be slice of length "3"
And the "XML" node "//users" should be slice of length "3"
But the "XML" node "//users" should not be slice of length "3"
the “(JSON|YAML|XML)” node “([^”]*)" should (not )?be “(array|bool|boolean|float|int|integer|map|mapping|nil|null|number|object|sequence|scalar|slice|string)”
This step allows to check whether given last HTTP(s) response body JSON/YAML node has given type.
First argument the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON/XML/YAML/HTML-path engine associated with previously selected data format.
Expression accepts template values.
Third, be "(array|bool|boolean|float|int|integer|map|mapping|nil|null|number|object|sequence|scalar|slice|string)"
should be one of predefined types.
And the "JSON" node "users" should be "slice"
And the "JSON" node "$.data" should be "nil"
And the "YAML" node "$.data" should be "nil"
And the "JSON" node "data.users.{{.USER_ID}}.description" should be "string"
And the "JSON" node "users" should not be "int"
And the "JSON" node "$.data" should not be "null"
And the "YAML" node "$.data" should not be "nil"
And the "JSON" node "data.users.{{.USER_ID}}.description" should not be "bool"
And the "JSON" node "data.users.0.description" should not be "map"
the “(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)” node “([^”])" should (not )?match regExp “([^”])"
This step allows to check whether given last HTTP(s) response body JSON/YAML/XML/HTML node matches/doesn’t match given regExp.
First argument the "(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON/XML/YAML/HTML-path engine associated with previously selected data format.
Argument accepts template values.
Third argument match regExp "([^"]*)"
should be valid regular expression.
And the "JSON" node "lastName" should match regExp "doe-.*"
And the "YAML" node "$.lastName" should not match regExp "doe-.*"
And the "XML" node "//lastName" should match regExp "doe-.*"
And the "HTML" node "//head//title" should match regExp "app-.*"
the “(JSON)” node “([^”])" should be valid according to schema “([^”])"
This step allows to check whether given JSON node is valid according to provided as reference schema
First argument the "(JSON)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON-path engine.
Argument schema "([^"]*)"
may be:
- full OS path to schema
- relative OS path to schema. During default setup, command
make env
file with env variableGODOG_JSON_SCHEMA_DIR=./assets/test_server/doc/schema
. Let’s assume, you keep your schemas inyour-project-root-dir/docs/schemas/
and placed godog-example-setup inyour-project-root-dir/tests/godog/
. Then, you have to change environment variable to:GODOG_JSON_SCHEMA_DIR=./../../docs/schemas
. From now on, you need to pass relative path as you were inschemas/
directory. - full valid URL to schema. Argument also accepts template values
And the "JSON" node "user[0].address" should be valid according to schema ""
And the "JSON" node "user[{{.USER_ID}}].address" should be valid according to schema "{{.MY_APP_URL}}/adress.json"
the “(JSON)” node “([^”]*)" should be valid according to schema:
This step allows to check whether given JSON node is valid according to provided as docstring schema
First argument the "(JSON)" node
should be expected data format of response body.
Second argument node "([^"]*)" should
should be expression acceptable by JSON-path engine. Argument accepts template values.
Third argument should be Docstring with schema. Argument accepts template values.
And the "JSON" node "$.data" should be valid according to schema:
"$schema": "",
"title": "users data",
"description": "users data",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"age": {
"type": "integer"